Long Island Nets Acquire Kavion Pippen

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Santa Cruz Warriors Split Opening Weekend Back-To-Back with Ontario Clippers, 116-110
SANTA CRUZ, CA – The Santa Cruz Warriors (1-1) fell to the Ontario Clippers (1-1) in the second match up of the Opening Weekend back-to-back Saturday … – G League Santa…
Second Half Comeback Leads 905 to First Win of the Season
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Windy City Bulls Fall to Wisconsin Herd in Home Opener
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EL SEGUNDO – The South Bay Lakers hosted their season opener against the Stockton Kings as they took home the victory, 127-122, on Saturday evening. L… – G League South Bay…
Fort Wayne Mad Ants Tie Franchise Assist Record in Opening Night Win
FORT WAYNE, Ind. – The Fort Wayne Mad Ants tied a franchise assist record and came close to setting a franchise scoring record Saturday night in a 152… – G League…
Greensboro Swarm Split Opening Weekend
GREENSBORO, N.C. – Kobi Simmons and Mark Williams recorded another pair of double-doubles in the second game of the 2022-23 season. However, it was no… – G League Greensboro Swarm…