A Letter from Growlers Owner Brian Colopy
August 26, 2022 – Northwoods League (Northwoods) – Kalamazoo Growlers News Release
Kalamazoo Growlers Nation,
Where to begin?
Coming off of two seasons entrenched in COVID-19, the 2022 season was beyond crucial for us. We needed to make it one to remember. And looking back, it certainly was that.
If you missed it, I could ramble off a series of stats, but the ones that matter the most are here:
Most sellouts in team history
#2 in Northwoods League attendance for the 1st time in team history
1st Great Lakes East 1st Half Champions in team history
1st playoff home win in team history
1st Northwoods League Championship in team history
And when I look back to remember this year, one word that I’ll think of is the word GRATEFUL.
I am so grateful for so many things and people that have made the Growlers what they are.
From all the way back to 2013. All of the doubters that said “Kalamazoo doesn’t support baseball.” “The stadium is in a terrible part of town.” “The field floods.” “It won’t work.” I am grateful for your fuel.
All of the host families that take players in from around the country and welcome them into your homes and into our community. Year after year. I am grateful for your hospitality.
To our part time staff who bring life and joy to our fans each and every game, rain or shine, packed house or not. I am grateful for your energy.
To our partners, we couldn’t do this without you. You trust in our mission to use fun to make a difference in our community is the only way we can do this thing called Growlers baseball. I am grateful for your belief.
To all of the players that give up their summers to become great, to perfect their craft, to become part of something bigger than themselves. I am grateful for your determination.
To our coaching staff. Ben, Steve & Nate, I cannot believe the amount of work, time and heart you put into our team and the work you did this year will pay dividends to our players for years to come. I am grateful for your hard work.
To our leader on the field, Cody Piechocki. To see your growth each and every year is inspiring. There is no one else that deserved a Championship more than you. I am grateful for your leadership.
To our front office staff. No one can convince me that there is a better group in the country than the team we have right now. I am grateful for your dedication.
To our fans, the ones that have come year in and year out and the ones that came for their very first time. You are the driving force behind all of this. You make this possible. You make me grateful to call this city home.
Thank you Kalamazoo for supporting us, believing in us and making the Growlers what they are. Year 9 was one for the record books and we can’t wait to see you for our 10 year celebration season next year.
Your grateful team owner,
Brian Colopy
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