Springfield Cardinals, Great Southern Bank Team up for FIRST EVER $9,000 Giveaway
August 31, 2022 – Texas League (TL) – Springfield Cardinals News Release
Springfield, MO — The Springfield Cardinals are excited to partner with Great Southern Bank for a huge, first-time-ever event happening at Hammons Field this season, the Great Southern Bank $9,000 Giveaway!
On Thursday, September 1, Great Southern Bank will be giving away $9,000 in different increments throughout all 9 innings of the Springfield Cardinals game against the Wichita Wind Surge!
Twenty-five (25) fans will be picked at random throughout the night to win anywhere from $200 to $1,000. Fans with paid admission to Thursday night’s game will be eligible to win, and winners must be in attendance to qualify.
Each inning, fans will have the opportunity to have their ticket selected at random and win that inning’s specific amount. Great Southern Bank’s $9,000 Giveaway will be spread out throughout all 9 innings in the following installments:
– 1st inning: 5 winners, $200 each
– 2nd inning: 5 winners, $200 each
– 3rd inning: 4 winners, $250 each
– 4th inning: 4 winners, $250 each
– 5th inning: 2 winners, $500 each
– 6th inning: 2 winners, $500 each
– 7th inning: 1 winner, $1000
– 8th inning: 1 winner, $1000
– 9th inning: 1 winner, $1000
Thursday is also our Copa la Diversion Jersey Auction, another Thirsty Thursday with drink specials all game long, and Celebrate Springfield’s kickoff event at Hammons Field! Fans who attend the Cardinals game will also have the opportunity to visit with representatives from Celebrate Springfield’s featured events to learn both new and traditional ways for everyone to not just experience the attractions, amenities and resources in Springfield, but truly celebrate them!
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