Kick Childhood Cancer Month Overview
September 1, 2022 – Major League Soccer (MLS) – New England Revolution News Release
The New England Revolution and
the Pablove Foundation have
partnered for the first time to provide three local pediatric cancer
survivors with an all-access experience for a training session at the
Revolution’s Socios.com Training Center.
Eleanor (8), Chloe (12), and Doriana (18), all from Massachusetts, are
participants in the Pablove Foundation’s “Shutterbugs” healing arts
program, a six-week course that helps childhood cancer patients find
a creative outlet through photography. The foundation is named after
Pablo, a little boy who lost his fight with cancer, and the program
serves kids with cancer and survivors both in New England and
across the U.S.
All three artists attended a Revolution training session on August 24
to practice their photography skills up close and personal with pro
athletes. Their photographs will be printed on glass and displayed at
the Pablove Shutterbugs’ Gallery at New England’s Fight Childhood
Cancer match on September 17,
with proceeds directly funding
the Pablove Foundation’s pediatric cancer research grants.
As part of the campaign to #KickChildhoodCancer, MLS clubs will recognize
children fighting cancer as well as the local organizations working to find a cure
through a number of matchday features. Here are some of the ways the Revolution will show support during the Fight Childhood Cancer Match on Sept. 17:
In & Around Gillette Stadium
The Pablove Shutterbugs’ Art Gallery will sell photos taken by local pediatric cancer survivors to raise funds for the foundation’s pediatric cancer
research grants.
Boston Children’s Hospital Dream Team will host patients and their families in suites at the match.
Maddie’s Promise will have tabling on the concourse, presented by
The Revolution Foundation asks fans to bring birthday party supplies for
the Revolution Drive Series Presented by Dan O’Brien to benefit the Confetti Foundation.
Revs ‘Go Gold’ On The Pitch
The September 17 match will feature gold nets, commemorative gold adidas Nativo match balls, and corner flags.
Revolution captain Carles Gil will sport a special gold armband.
Players will wear #KickChildhoodCancer training tops during the pre-game warmups, with each top featuring the name of a local pediatric cancer patient from the Boston Children’s Hospital.
Revolution Players will display a gold ribbon patch on their jerseys
Continental KCC Challenge
Throughout September, fans have the opportunity to donate to a local
KCC charity on behalf of their favorite MLS club. Revolution fans can
to donate to the club’s
local benficiary, Binkeez for Comfort. Continental Tire will match each
donation up to $50,000.
A KCC auction consisting of game-used, autographed jerseys from September matches will also provide an additional fundraising opportunity
from October 31 through November 14.
For the ninth consecutive season, the New England Revolution, in conjunction with MLS WORKS, are proud to support the league’s annual
Kick Childhood Cancer Month.
Throughout the end of August and September, the Revolution will help
fight childhood cancer through various activations on and off the field
including fundraising activities, charitable drive series, hospital visits,
and more. The club’s partners in this endeavor include the Pablove
Foundation, Binkeez for Comfort, Mass General Hospital, Boston Children’s Hospital, the Confetti Foundation, and the Izzy Foundation.
The culmination of these efforts will be showcased at the team’s annual Fight Childhood Cancer match on September 17 at Gillette Stadium,
when the club hosts CF Montreal for a 7:30 p.m. kickoff in Foxborough.
For the first time since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020,
Revolution players will once again visit pediatric cancer patients at
Massachusetts General Hospital for Children. As part of the visit, they
will distribute Kick Childhood Cancer pajama bottoms, courtesy of
Continental Tire, Binkeez for Comfort blankets, and cards of encouragement from Revolution players.
Wednesday, September 28 beginning at 6:00 p.m. ET, the Revolution and Binkeez for Comfort, a non-profit organization based out of
Shrewsbury, Mass., are bringing back Box Car Movie Night at Gillette
Stadium. Pediatric cancer patients and Revolution players will work
together to craft personalized box cars. Once construction is complete,
patients will watch a movie from the comfort of their box cars, with a
Binkeez for Comfort blanket.
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